Rose VanNatta

Guatemala Medical Team

Fundraising Completed

Rose heading to Guatemala

Greetings to all!

It's such a great opportunity to travel with the medical team. It's our duty and responsibility as Christians to help others in need.  My heart has been stirring me to travel to Guatemala to guide, encourage, and help others not as fortunate as we are.  We are so privileged here in the US because we have so many resources to help.  For one week, we will be engaging and helping Guatemalans with basic medical needs.  I've been blessed for many years as a nurse and I'm ready to take on this opportunity.  I'm so excited to learn about Guatemalan culture and be able to help those in need. I would like to thank all of you for taking time to read my support letter.  I would also like to thank you in advance for any kind of support you can offer, whether financial contibutions or your thoughts and prayers.

I hope you can be part of this incredible journey and mission.


Rose VanNatta


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