Maura Mitchell

Rwanda Team May 25- June 6 2024

Fundraising Completed

Support Maura Mitchell

I wanted to share some exciting news regarding an upcoming opportunity this spring. From May 25th to June 6th, I will travel to Rwanda with Ingage Unlimited, a remarkable non-profit organization that provides professional education, healthcare, and business development training.

Ingage Unlimited collaborates with local organizations worldwide and actively supports the work and vision of community leaders. Our team will be stationed in the village of Gashora, partnering with Journey House Rwanda. They have requested our assistance conducting workshops on leadership development and trauma recovery. Despite the passage of years since the genocide, its lasting effects continue to impact communities in Rwanda.

The central theme that Journey House Rwanda would like us to address is "Healing through Loving Kindness." Our team, consisting of educators, social workers, and business leaders, has identified various techniques and topics for these workshops. These include yoga, journaling, anxiety release tools, affirmations, and empathetic listening to each other's stories. I am truly excited to be a part of this incredible experience, and I am confident that we will all learn and grow together.

I am reaching out to ask if you are interested in contributing to help cover the expenses of this service trip. As this is a volunteer service trip facilitated by Ingage Unlimited, all donations are tax-deductible, and you can make your donation online by clicking the Give Now button. We need to raise all necessary funds by April 25th.

Your support and generosity would mean a great deal to me and, more importantly, to the individuals we aim to assist in Rwanda. Your donation will undoubtedly make a significant difference in their lives.

Thank you so much for taking the time to consider this request. I really appreciate your willingness to contribute.

Warm regards,


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