I am excited to travel back to Chiclayo, Peru again in February 2018. We will be assisting Impacto Cristiano run a week-long children's program and to train the young church leaders in classroom and behavioral management. Chiclayo is an area of extreme poverty, but Impacto Cristiano offers a welcoming environment and a chance for warm fellowship and support. Last year was an unforgettable experience. I found that offering a helping hand to work alongside those in less fortunate circumstances is a humbling, yet inspiring experience. A friendly smiles and open heart goes a long way to building a relationship, despite language barriers, in an extremely short time. I truly believe that I gained more from that experience than those I was intending to help. I am excited to join a team again this year. Your donation will help with needed supplies and help to reduce some of the cost of traveling to Peru.
Thank you for your support.
Chris Pappas