Jill Henning

Panama June 13-20 2020

Accepting Donations

Please Help Support My Teaching Trip to Panama

Dear Friends and Family,


I am so excited to tell you about this wonderful experience I am going to be a part of.  Ingage unlimited is a nonprofit organization that sends teams of volunteers/ teachers around the world to provide training in education and community health.  The team helps support teachers in other countries to meet the unique needs of their students.  

 I will have the opportunity to join an Ingage team going to Panama in June 2020.  We will build relationships with local teachers while presenting training workshops. This training will help narrow the gap in equity between public and private schools in Panama City.

I am so excited to collaborate with the teachers in Panama and learn more about their culture and beautiful city. I will get to share my passion for teaching and helping children, while learning and growing myself!

Each team member has been asked to raise funds to cover the expenses and resources for this service opportunity.  I am wondering if you would like to be a part of my support team and help me raise these funds? This is a volunteer service trip facilitated by the non-profit organization INGAGE UNLIMITED. All contributions are 501(c)3 tax-deductible donations, and they can be made online at  http://ingageunlimited.org/donate. Just select the project, Panama 2020, and then you can put your donation amount in the field next to my name. Your donation will assist with our travel and provide support for the teachers, families, and students with whom we engage along the way. I will also be sending out pictures, and video updates following the trip to share about our experience.  Please let me know if you have any questions!


Thank you so much!


Jill Henning

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