Angela Taylor

Vietnam Threads Partner/Vision trip

Fundraising Completed

Vietnam 2024

Hi Friends!


Happy New Year!

This April, I have a unique opportunity to travel to Vietnam on a vision trip to develop a potential partnership with Ingage Unlimited. Our Ingage team will be traveling and partnering with Threads Worldwide to meet women from local villages and learn how we can best support their work as artisans and their dreams of education, business training, and healthcare for their families. Meeting partners and hearing their stories is a vital component of the work I do with Threads and the development work I am involved in with Ingage. In addition to meeting women from the Threads artisan cooperative, we will meet with local community leaders to learn about their vision for local education and healthcare. 

Trips like this are sowing the seeds for the transformation of lives (my own included!!!), as we learn how we can best share our skills and talents with each other. 


I am so excited for this opportunity to be of service, sharing my passion for teaching, serving, and healthcare, while exploring new places!

Each team member has been asked to raise funds to cover the expenses and resources for this service opportunity.  I am wondering if you would like to be a part of my support team and help me raise these funds. This is a volunteer service trip facilitated by the non-profit organization INGAGE UNLIMITED. All contributions are 501(c)3 tax-deductible donations, which can be made online here, where you can put your donation amount in the field next to my name. Your donation will assist with our travel and provide support for the physicians, clinics, cooperatives, and the families with whom we engage along the way. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Thank you so much for supporting me on this journey!

With love and gratitude,


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